Week 1
✅ Forking the repos and setting up everything locally
✅ Taking up issues and work them on Github
✅ Issue: Implement - quoteChar #65
✅ Issue: Implement - csvDelimeter #64
✅ Attend daily standups at 11:00 am IST
🚀 Pull Request: mplementation - QuoteChar
🚀 Pull Request: Implementation - csv-delimiter
📝 I installed the necessary dependencies and tools for local development. I cloned the cQube-ingestion repository from the version control system to my local machine. I verified that cQube-repo is running correctly on my local machine.
📝 I thoroughly explored the cQube-ingestion repo and its documentation to understand its structure and functionality. I started using cQube locally and tested various features and functionalities.
📝 I added a new config parameter under the globals section in the config.json file to ensure when ingesting data for datasets or dimensions, it allows defining the CSV Delimeter. Also wrote the unit test case for the same and increased the test coverage for the csvreader.ts file to 95 .
📝 I added a new config parameter under the globals section in the config.json file along with necessary changes made in the csvreader file to ensure when ingesting data for datasets or dimensions, it allows defining the CSV quote character . Also wrote the unit test case for the same .